Thursday, August 28, 2008

VMAs and Lana K the Prettayyy!!!

So Lana K and I will be going to the VMAs. Actually we are hoping to go the VMAs. We got tickets and now we just need to figure how to get there. It was all Lana who got the tickets. I have officially dubbed her, "Lana K is Pretttaaaay," because she totally is. Without her we wouldn't be able to go. Haha I'm so excited.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Trust Issues

Trust is something can only be acquired over a time period of about 5+ years.
Trust doesn't come fast and it doesn't come easy.
Don't tell people your secrets and don't expect anyone to tell you theirs. The people you wish to become better friends with only end up stabbing you in the back and leaving you in the dark.
So be careful and don't tell people anything you wish to keep to yourself.

Buy Your Copy Today!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Jay Leno

Jay Leno is a really really really good show. That man is hilarious.

Just thought i'd share some insight...

Who is ready for school?
For us, school starts on August 25th... :(

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Ultimate Coming Out

No, I (Lana) am not coming out. Number one, I am straight. Number two, someone finally came out...haha
The world is coming to something pretty lame I must admit...
I actually signed onto facebook ( = Lana // = Krisha) and I decided to check someone's profile out. Now, this person has always seemed to curve towards same sex lovin' and this person has never admitted to it due to reasons of religion. WELL, I go on and low and behold, this person finally said what he/she is REALLY interested in. I am SO proud of this person, really I am! Must of taken guts and I am glad. :)
Anyways, I must sound really dumb now...BUT I don't care because I am just so proud!!!
BUT as I was saying...I think it's pretty sad these days that everyone can go online and find out virtually anything about anyone...
I think the best example is Krisha herself...hahahaha. She can find out anything about anyone, just give her some time. Not even a day...just some hour or two...she's flat out amazing...I swear she needs to be on the FBI or something close to that...something top secret.

Okay. My ankle is betterish....I haven't gone to the gym I can't update you on progress, BUT I am going tomorrow with Emily!

Who watched the Teen Choice Awards? I was happy with it! Except for two things...I think that Adam/Chu should of won the dance competition, NOT M&M Cru. AND personally I think that Katy Perry should of won the Myspacer Award, not Ryan Schekler. Katy is amazing and I absolutely love love love her. Meanwhile Schekler is pretty dumb. His myspace is dumb also...and plus, he sounded like a hick...haha
Speaking of his voice...WHO has heard David Beckham talk before? hahahaha CLASSIC. He sounded like a damn female with a Brit Accent...I think Posh sounds more manly than him...I wonder is Cristiano sounds like like a that how you spell his name? Krisha would know...

Anyways. Peace out. And I am developing a FAT crush on a new actor! Oh No! But it's okay, I've actually seen him in person and have REAL photos of him on my actual computer taken from my camera. So he's human to me (if that makes sense to you....) :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Macbooks and Jonas Brothers

I love Apple!!! They have the ipod, the iphone, and the macbook (pro). I love thier stuff. Well, I used. Actually maybe I hate their service. On my beloved macbook, there was crack on the palm rest. It was a simple problem. I read that many people experience this problem. All I had to do was bring it into the Apple store and it would easily be fixed and for no cost because I still had my warranty. So I brought it in a week ago. They were really nice and told me that my macbook should be ready in 3-5 days. Here's my first problem, they lied more like under estimated it. It took them 7 days to have my laptop ready. This was not as big deal because I did not need my laptop during that time. I'm out of school right now and that is what I usually use my laptop for. I finally picked it up on Sunday Aug 3rd. The guy brought me back my laptop and had me signed papers. Of course I asked if I can see it to make sure it was in perfect condition. Everything seemed alright. The guy just left me the papers to sign and went on to help another customer. I signed the papers and handed it to him and he said nothing else. Went home and went on my macbook which I have felt incomplete since its been gone. I go on it and it takes awhile to start up. I knew instantly something was wrong with it. I finally arrived to my kirby screensaver and everything seemed normal. I checked the battery and of course what do I see a big "X" on it. I was like "what is this?" I went to see if they changed the setting. They did it was on "normal," but that wasn't the problem. It was the fact, it said "No batteries connected." I sat there thinking my battery is connected. Turned off my computer, unconnected my battery, and what do I see, someone horribly put together my computer. I reattached my battery and still I got those beautiful words "No batteries connected." I did this about 4 times and still same results. Again, tomorrow, I have to drive to Brea Mall and get my computer fixed. so two words "APPLE SUCKS", well three words, "APPLE SERVICE SUCKS" I still like my Ipod and Itunes.

Those Boner Brothers, I mean Jonas Brothers. Yes, I do have a love-hate relationship with them. Yes I love them, but then again I can't stand them. As of this moment, they make me sick. How did they get so big? I remember the days they were on TRL and thought Oh wonderful, a copycat of Blink182/Sum41. I thought they were cute back then and liked their song, but didn't think they would get as big as they are now. Now all of a sudden they are on the cover of every magazine, have sold out concerts, girls screaming their names and so on. When did this all happen. I have hit a point where I am getting sick of them because eveywhere I go there are the Jonas Brothers' faces. I turn on the tv, its a Target commercial, go to the mall and its a Camp Rock banner hanging from the ceiling. How much more can we take?? I don't know. However, go buy their CD. I may be sick of them but I am still a Jonaholic deep down.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rolled Ankles

Rolling an ankle is painful.
Lana has a rolled ankle. She developed this painful pain in the ass while she was at work and now cannot walk. Every plan she had will now be cancelled due to the fact that she can't even drive.
So basically this sucks for her. No more Trader Joes, Goldenspoon, Blockbuster, car wash, and etc. This really really sucks.
I'm just in a p'od mood.

Saturday, August 2, 2008