Monday, August 4, 2008

Macbooks and Jonas Brothers

I love Apple!!! They have the ipod, the iphone, and the macbook (pro). I love thier stuff. Well, I used. Actually maybe I hate their service. On my beloved macbook, there was crack on the palm rest. It was a simple problem. I read that many people experience this problem. All I had to do was bring it into the Apple store and it would easily be fixed and for no cost because I still had my warranty. So I brought it in a week ago. They were really nice and told me that my macbook should be ready in 3-5 days. Here's my first problem, they lied more like under estimated it. It took them 7 days to have my laptop ready. This was not as big deal because I did not need my laptop during that time. I'm out of school right now and that is what I usually use my laptop for. I finally picked it up on Sunday Aug 3rd. The guy brought me back my laptop and had me signed papers. Of course I asked if I can see it to make sure it was in perfect condition. Everything seemed alright. The guy just left me the papers to sign and went on to help another customer. I signed the papers and handed it to him and he said nothing else. Went home and went on my macbook which I have felt incomplete since its been gone. I go on it and it takes awhile to start up. I knew instantly something was wrong with it. I finally arrived to my kirby screensaver and everything seemed normal. I checked the battery and of course what do I see a big "X" on it. I was like "what is this?" I went to see if they changed the setting. They did it was on "normal," but that wasn't the problem. It was the fact, it said "No batteries connected." I sat there thinking my battery is connected. Turned off my computer, unconnected my battery, and what do I see, someone horribly put together my computer. I reattached my battery and still I got those beautiful words "No batteries connected." I did this about 4 times and still same results. Again, tomorrow, I have to drive to Brea Mall and get my computer fixed. so two words "APPLE SUCKS", well three words, "APPLE SERVICE SUCKS" I still like my Ipod and Itunes.

Those Boner Brothers, I mean Jonas Brothers. Yes, I do have a love-hate relationship with them. Yes I love them, but then again I can't stand them. As of this moment, they make me sick. How did they get so big? I remember the days they were on TRL and thought Oh wonderful, a copycat of Blink182/Sum41. I thought they were cute back then and liked their song, but didn't think they would get as big as they are now. Now all of a sudden they are on the cover of every magazine, have sold out concerts, girls screaming their names and so on. When did this all happen. I have hit a point where I am getting sick of them because eveywhere I go there are the Jonas Brothers' faces. I turn on the tv, its a Target commercial, go to the mall and its a Camp Rock banner hanging from the ceiling. How much more can we take?? I don't know. However, go buy their CD. I may be sick of them but I am still a Jonaholic deep down.

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